Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dingo Tracks - June

G’day Dingo family and fans.

We are now within 40 days of the beginning of World Championships 2008 in Vancouver, and the Dingos have been working hard and growing strong.

During June we have been focussing on:

- nailing down our tactical systems and strategies

- getting all our injured teammates back onto the field

- continuing to build our strength and fitness

- and training as a team through a few warm up matches

The Dingos of 2008 feel like we are bringing a great mix of traditional well used strategies and some new and unseen systems to our Worlds campaign. Through the early weeks of June our defensive and offensive leadership groups finalised the range of tactics that we will use at Worlds. Throughout the month the team as a whole and our specific playing groups have been spending time gaining comfort and proficiency with these tactics.

Our Captain, Vice Captain and Coach have generated some exciting new systems that we hope will allow us to utilise our full playing strength to win games through intensity and running power.

In June our Captain Pottsy and our Vice Captain Hollywood Dowle both returned to the playing list in games against other teams. These two leaders have added much to the team dynamic both through their playing ability and their presence in huddles and during key moments in games. At our last training camp on the 21st and 22nd of June we warmed up as a group of 23 players and our 24th was bouncing around on the side line so much that I’m sure we’ll see Tats back throwing bombs to the team within the next 2 weeks.

As we approach the end of the month the Dingos are increasing our focus on strength, speed and power. All the players are adding in additional plyometric power sessions, and we anticipate this helping us to improve our performance over the duration of the tournament. There are Dingos all over the country from Perth to Adelaide, down to Melbourne, Ballarat and Canberra, up through Wooloongong, Sydney, Newcastle and Brisbane. We are all out on cold (coldish up here in Brissy) winter nights running around tracks and drilling our bodies. We are working hard and felling strong.

During June we were fortunate to play a series of games as a team against both the Australian Masters team, the Australian Masters team including some current Barramundis and ex Dingos and last weekend the New Zealand Open team in a Worlds length (17 points, 100 mins) game.

We are very grateful for these opportunities to play games as a full squad and are confident that June as been a good month for our development as a team. Special thanks to the Kiwi boys who travelled over with half a team to play some intense games with us and the Taipan boys.

June has been a good month, we are fitter and strong than we were a month ago. We have better systems and are more comfortable with our strategies. Some highlights we are looking forward to in the next month will be hitting the Australian team Gala dinner in Sydney on the 5th of July, spending a few weeks putting a cap stone on our physical training at home and then heading over to the states for a 2 week pre tour.

Thanks for reading folks, and thanks for your support. Continue to keep up to date with the Dingos here at our blog

Or at our new web site at http://sites.google.com/site/australiandingos/Home

